Taken from my last Ofsted Inspection (full report available within setting):
'Overall the quality of the provision is outstanding'
This provision is outstanding
- The childminder demonstrates a strong commitment to maintaining excellence in all areas. Reflective practice is fully embedded into her self-evaluation, in order to constantly promote the highest achievement for all children.
- The childminder builds exceptionally friendly and trusting partnerships with parents. She respects them as their child's key educator. Parents are actively encouraged to remain involved in their children's learning, both in the childminding setting and at home.
- Partnership working with others who provide care and learning for the children is fostered exceedingly well. This helps to ensure an effective two-way flow of information to meet children's individual needs.
- Equality and inclusion are at the heart of everything that the childminder does with the children. She is highly effective in ensuring that all children can participate in activities at their own level.
- Children feel extremely safe. They are very happy and settled in this exceptionally warm and welcoming childminding setting. They develop secure, emotional attachments to the childminder and her assistant, readily going to them for cuddles, chats and support with activities.
- The childminder provides a highly stimulating and excellently resourced physical environment, both indoors and outside. Her toys and resources are of a very high quality and are suitable for the age range of the children attending.
- The quality of teaching is outstanding. The childminder supports children exceedingly well and any gaps in their learning are quickly identified and managed. All children are motivated, eager to learn and make rapid progress in their learning and development.
Effectiveness of the leadership and management is outstanding
The childminder has very high expectations of herself and her assistant. She continually reflects on their practice, and is highly motivated and committed to improving outcomes for children. She reviews children's progress, in order to ensure that they are meeting, and often achieving beyond, typical expectations. She monitors the work of her assistant, setting challenging but achievable targets for improvement. The childminder is well qualified and highly motivated to continue developing professionally. She regularly completes relevant training courses and uses what she learns to ensure she continues providing an outstanding quality of care and learning. She plans to continue improving the outdoor provision to increase the opportunities children have to learn about growth and discover nature. Safeguarding is effective. The childminder has a very secure knowledge of how to report concerns.
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment is outstanding
The childminder forms excellent partnerships with parents. She really values and respects their input into children's assessments and planning for future learning. Parents appreciate the excellent levels of communication. The childminder knows the children very well and talks confidently about where they are in their learning. She carries out detailed observations and precise assessments of what they can do. She uses this information to meticulously plan for the individual needs and interests of each child. Teaching is of a consistently high quality and is inclusive of all children. The childminder and her assistant are actively engaged in children's play and readily adapt activities to meet their individual needs. They give children their utmost attention during interactions, listening carefully to what they say. They repeat words back to the children, modelling correct pronunciation.
Personal development, behaviour and welfare are outstanding
The childminder and her assistant are excellent role models. They promote children's emotional well-being very skilfully, treating them with the utmost respect and positive regard. They gently and calmly support children's developing awareness of how to manage their behaviour and consider the needs of others. Sharing and taking turns are highly encouraged. For example, children cooperate fully as they take turns to help make a sandwich with the play food. They are totally engaged and absorbed in this, thoroughly enjoying the interaction with the adult as they talk about foods that are good for them. Children's individual efforts are given meaningful praise. They really enjoy the high five they receive for their efforts. Children play safely indoors and outside.
Outcomes for children are outstanding
The childminder provides a rich, varied and stimulating learning environment, fully supporting children to develop the skills needed to be ready for school. Children show extremely high levels of concentration. They enjoy looking at books with the childminder and recognise that print carries meaning. Children count confidently as they play. The childminder's monitoring of children's progress is so precise that she is quickly able to identify and provide extra support if it is needed.