Below is an extremely comprehensive list of policies, which may seem quite daunting. For me, they cover every eventuality and every question anyone may have about my childminding business. The Policies are set out in alphabetical order for ease of reference.
All parents/carers are given access to my Policy Folder before a child starts at my setting and we discuss the contents of the Folder in as much detail as the parent/carer wishes. All parents/carers are requested to sign a Policy Consent Form which states that they are aware of this file. Parents/carers are also given copies of any statutory policies under the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage as well as any other policies relevant to each individual family if they so wish. These Policies are replaced when updated, changes in legislation occur or statutory policies or new policies are added as per my Policy and Consent Forms Policy. My Policy Folder is available for any parent/carer to view at any time they wish and policies are reviewed regularly.
What is a Policy?
A Policy is a document about a certain subject stating what I would do in that situation or what I would expect from a parent/carer.
Why Do I Have Policies For Childminding?
As evidence for Ofsted and for ‘good practice’ standards
To enable me to review my setting and to make amendments if various situations occur
To have a comprehensive framework to cover every aspect of my childminding business
To help you understand how my childminding business works
To answer your questions
To act as a guide if a difference of opinion occurs
To help ensure that I work with parents/carers to achieve the best for their child
To offer safeguards for myself, my family, any child or parent/carer
Absent Child Policy
Admissions and Collections (Daily) Policy
Admissions (Setting) Policy
Alcohol and Other Substances Policy
Assistant Policy
Asthma Policy
Babies Policy
Behaviour Management Policy
Biting Policy
Bullying Policy
Care, Learning and Play Policy
Child Not Collected Policy
Childminder Medical Condition Policy
Clothing and Belongings Policy
Communication Policy
Complaints Policy
Confidentiality Policy
Conjunctivitis Policy
Data Protection Act Policy
Early Years Funding Policy
Emergency Evacuation and Fire Safety Policy
Emergency Procedures Policy
Equality and Diversity Policy
Escorting Children to the Toilet Policy
Head Lice Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Health Care Plan Policy
Healthy Eating Policy
Holidays Policy
Hygiene Policy
Language Policy
Leaving My Setting Policy
Lost/Missing Child Policy
Medical Emergencies Policy
Medical/Sickness Procedures Policy
Nappy Changing and Toilet/Potty Training Policy
Networking Policy
Ofsted Notification Policy
Outings Policy
Payment Procedure Policy
Personal Possessions Policy
Photographs Policy
Physical Contact and Restraint
Planning and Observations Policy
Policy and Consent Forms Policy
Progress Check Policy (2 Year Progress Check)
Ratios and Variations Policy (including overnight care)
Rest and Quiet Times Policy
Risk Assessment Policy
Safeguarding Children Policy
Sandpit Policy
Smoking and Vaping Policy
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy
Sun Cream Policy
Supporting A Child Through Loss or Change Policy
Toys and Equipment Policy
Travel In A Vehicle Policy
Unforeseen Circumstances Policy
Vaccination Policy
Visitors Policy
Weather Conditions Policy
Working Hours Policy
Working In Partnership Policy