The following are just some of the toys and resources available:
Indoor Play
Baby toys - including activity mat with arch, bouncing chair, activity centres (to sit in and stand at) and a wide range of interactive, musical and sensory baby toys
Beads (and other threading toys)
Cars and Garage
Dolls, buggy and accessories
Dolls Houses (wooden and plastic with accessories)
Dressing Up clothes (including outfits, shoes, bags, purses)
Happy Land toys
Kitchen and accessories (mix of wooden, felt and plastic)
Mega blocks
Musical toys
Painting and Printing
Playdoh and accessories
Potato heads
Puzzles (wide range from inset, magnetic, and general puzzles ranging 2-100 pieces)
Reading/Quiet Corner with a wide selection of books
Role Play - including Beauty and Medical Sets
Sorting toys (into colours, shapes, etc) / Matching games
Sensory jars/bottles
Writing and mark making via pens, pencils, crayons, chalks, paints, aqua mats
We also have a huge range of art and craft materials which is continuously added to in order to allow a range of textures, types of paper, glue, glitter, eyes,
Outside Play
Purpose built all weather play area (part of which is undercover for all weather play)
Ball tubes
Climbing frame and slide / Climbing Wall
Interactive Board
Magnetic Board
Tuff spot tray and stand (messy and general activity play)
Water play and accessories
Sand play and accessories
The children also have access to learning about baking as well as gardening and growing both fruit/vegetables and flowers